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At Reno we are working on becoming an inclusive workplace with room for everyone and equal conditions for all employees. To carve out the best foundation for innovation, we prioritise inclusion and increased diversity of our employees, as well as equal terms for development and promotion.
All employees contribute with different perspectives, experiences and personal circumstances, which are respected and acknowledged by Reno. No matter gender, age, background, handicap or the like, you are valued at Reno. Our aim is that 30 % of our employees by 2030 are women; that is so we can ensure a balanced workplace that supports the UN's global goals for gender equality.
The most important resource for Reno is our employees. We strive to create a learning culture where our employees continually learn and develop themselves - both on a professional and personal level. We do this by offering relevant and educational lesson plans with our internal learning and development platforms. Our aim is that our employees complete 40 our training every year to acquire new competences, which benefits them in their daily work.
In addition to competency development, Reno attaches importance to the safety, health and well-being of the employees. With ambitious standards to safety at the workplace, we continually work on improving our safety culture with different initiatives. We are continously assessing the risk for accidents at various activities, so that we are creating a preventive approach to safety.
Hos Reno er vores medarbejders helbred og velvære lige så vigtig som sikkerheden. Med frugtordning og fælles aktiviteter, opfordrer vi vores medarbejder til en sundere og gladere livsstil.
Alle tiltagene skal være med til at skabe en god arbejdsplads med fokus på velvære og anstændigt arbejde for medarbejderne.